Kylie McIndoe

“Healing is ultimately dissolving the veil between the spiritual and material worlds…the two veils (between the spiritual and material worlds and between who we think we are and who we really are) are the same.” (Barbara Ann Brennan)

I started working in the complementary therapy field in 1994. Initially I began working as a Kinergetics Consultant incorporating other energetic healing modalities such as Chiron Healing and Body Harmony. I completed further Kinesiology training in 1999 and I have worked in private practice since then.  For a number of years I also worked in a health retreat with a live-in program assisting people suffering from anxiety, depression and addictions.

I work with the mind, body, spirit triangle of health and believe all these aspects need to be balanced in order for us to experience true wellbeing.   I have an ongoing interest in the area of trauma and mental health and work with a variety of modalities, including tapping and tremoring,  to assist people suffering from emotional or physical trauma.

I have my own range of flower and gem essences Life Key Essences . These essences relate to the etheric structure via the major and minor chakras and assist people in their spiritual growth.  They help people to move along their life path with greater ease, gently helping to overcome blocks, confidence issues and self sabotage.  By shedding old behaviours and limitations we can all be living more rewarding and fulfilling lives and these essences assist that process. 

Over the last few years I have incorporated the Peace Space colour healing work into my kinesiology practice, which provides another form of support through growth and change. 

I currently work in Bendigo and I’m also available for online and telephone consultations.